One Patient's Positive Perspectives

Feet on the Cold Tile Floor

Two Bare Feet on the Cold Tile Floor

Morning started slowly. Two bare feet groped for the carpeted bedroom floor then slowly followed one other, stiffly and awkwardly, down the cool tile hallway to a more awake part of the house.

Hmmm. A note taped on the coffee pot urges “Just Turn Me On” followed by “I love you.” That early-bird husband of mine must have flown through the kitchen hours ago. Yet, he made time to make this moment kinder and easier!

Empty mug!

Standing in bare feet numbly listening to the coffee gurgling and dripping into the pot, the glorious aroma of dark roast coffee infusing the kitchen, a moment of gratitude blooms! Grateful for his thoughtful act of kindness, I stand here holding my empty coffee cup. Waiting for the last drip, and anticipating the first sip!

He has been at work for hours, but an echo of his love is right here in the kitchen with me, making today just a little bit easier.

If everyone could experience this type of love, the world would be a kinder, gentler place. If each woman with lupus had this type of support, she might be able to cope better with the unkind and unwelcome things lupus brings into her life.

Stopping now for a moment, considering and praying for an unknown faceless woman standing alone in her kitchen this morning, without this echo of human kindness surrounding her waking moments. Admiring the great courage it must take to face her challenges without the blessing of encouragement and love. Lord, please let her hear Your words of encouragement. Let her know You care for her.

Comments on: "Early bird encourager…" (4)

  1. hi, I got to say that you have a very co-operative husband. Lucky you!!!!

  2. how are you!This was a really marvelous blog!
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  3. Lupus Adventurer said:

    Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement.

  4. Victoria said:

    You have a wonderful way of writing, so inspirational and so positive.

    May your days be filled with sunshine and happiness, and gentle rain to nourish and replenish.

    Wishing you well…..

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